This hand made absolutely no sense to me. Did the guy call by accident? Hit the wrong button? Or did he think his gutshot was good? I bet the flop with OESD and flush draw, donkey one calls, donkey 2 min-raised with top-top, I shove with my massive draws, then donkey 1 pauses and calls. What was he thinking??? (Usually when that question is asked, then answer is "he wasn't"!) I expected the big stack to fold whatever he had, and the short stack to call with his overpair or top-top (or even AK/AQ).
Funny part (aside from an all-in gutshot call), was the poker chat from the short stack with top-top. He doesn't seem to understand that I had a 50% chance of winning the hand, aside from the folding equity of shoving against him and representing two pair or a set. But maybe I'm wrong. Don't think so tho:
(Result for Hand 1489874644)
KODIAKZERO wins ($219.00) with (Straight, five to nine).
ACEMYNAME: i was joking. horrible flop bets
ACEMYNAME: both of you deserved to lose that
ACEMYNAME: but that's poker
KODIAKZERO: what did you fold? AK?
ACEMYNAME: AJ, glad i got out, but still
ACEMYNAME: had flop top pair
KODIAKZERO: then don't complain
(Result for Hand 1489876101)
KODIAKZERO wins ($58.00) with (Flush, ace high).
You've been awarded 3 Absolute Points + 1 FAME Status Point.
ACEMYNAME: i ain't complaining. just calling an idiot an idiot, ha
KODIAKZERO: just fold and shut it
ACEMYNAME: i played mine right, did you?
KODIAKZERO: if you thought my play was bad, then you don't know jack
KODIAKZERO: about poker
ACEMYNAME: lol, you almost lost!
(Result for Hand 1489878518)
DHOUSE wins ($12.35 chips).
ACEMYNAME: ther'es a difference between losing and folding
KODIAKZERO: save it for your book
(Result for Hand 1489879810)
WASA636 wins ($28.05) with (Straight, six to ten).
ACEMYNAME: "in memory of kodiakzero" i'll be sure to give a shoutout
(Result for Hand 1489881036)
KODIAKZERO wins ($2.40 chips).
You've been awarded 3 Absolute Points + 1 FAME Status Point.
KODIAKZERO: send me a copy
On the other table, a 50PLO 6 max, I lost half stack to another donkey that takes the worst of it, only this one consistently sucks out. In this hand, I figured the guy for a big overpair like KKxx or AAxx, so when he bet pot into me when I flopped 3 pair, I figured I was good (as long as the board doesn't pair against me). Instead of folding (which I admit, would be very un-donkeylike), he calls my pot raise for most of his stack and turns his two outer. Sick.
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