Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back from the Dead

So I've donked off over $500 in the last week, and so I'm starting over from square one. I bought into a 50c nlhe 9 max game for $35, lost $10, then doubled up in this hand. I 3bet the blind with AKs vs his 77, I check flopped aces behind him, he pushes on blank turn and I instacall for $50 pot.

You know what I love? Hitting the nuts and getting paid. I turn the nut flush vs infant baby flush, and the guy pays off my half-pot bets in this $40 pot. I can't imagine that he'd pay off any more, but who knows.

After these sessions of NLHE and PLO on FT, I'm just about back to the $150 I bought in for last night. D'oh!

Made $100 back today, mostly grinding out pots. One interesting hand came up when I raised the pot early preflop with KK, and got a late reraise. I called to underrepresent, and the flop brought the dreaded ace with 2 hearts. I check-called a $5 bet, which seemed kind of weak; the bet size reinforced my thought that he might be holding tens or jacks. A third heart on the turn gave me the nut flush draw, and he folded when I put in a strong bet. Still wondering what he held. If he held AK, AQ, AA, or QQ, I think he would have either put in a stronger bet on the flop, or at least not folded the turn.

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