Thursday, May 21, 2009

Great Start

Great start to a session of 50c nlhe 9 seat - I post early (unusual), look down at A3s and put in a standard 3x raise (also unusual). The button reraises 7x, and I and two others call. I flop the nut flush (extra unusual), and I bet out $2 - just enough to represent weakness and beg a raise, which I get when the short stack pushes for $6 more. The guy behind him calls, and I think I made a mistake by minraising, because the 3rd guy quickly folds. Not sure how I would have played the turn after smooth calling the raise. With a queen hi flop and the short stack holding the Jc, what could he have folded? Would he fold the king of clubs there, thinking he was drawing dead?

I got into a decent hand in 50c PLO 9 max when a guy I considered loose aggressive raised preflop, and I called with a hand I would usually fold. He flopped the nuts, deuces full of queens, and we both check. I bet the turn with tens full, he raised good, and then called my reraise. I really didn't think he had anything (certainly not queens full), and he just calls my reraise, then calls same bet on river.

I left the NLHE table, but the action continued in PLO. I more than tripled up in back-to-back hands, first when this guy overplayed his AAxx for the third time, and then when I flopped the nut flush vs 2nd and 3rd best. I love that Helmuth quote about PLO, where you can turn "a toothpick into a lumberyard."

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