Saturday, May 9, 2009

Donking off after cashing out

After my fellow rounder TechmoSuperbowl advised me that this format of reading hands was too hard on his eyes, I decided to change the format a bit. So I'll be posting hands to under the user "KodiakZero", and using this blog to link to it and to summarize my sessions.

I cashed out again last night from AP, and today I quickly donked off about 40% of my remaining bankroll in six-handed PLO. It started when I got tired of this short stack pushing every pot, so I pushed back with top 2 pair AK vs his flopped broadway (oops!). I gravely underestimated him - the classic mistake of confusing a weak stack for a weak player. This hand tilted me into making a huge donkey call on the river in this hand; I felt I was way ahead on the turn when he made a blocking bet with his nut flush draw, repp'ng a turned str8, but I still should've folded the river.

I got over myself, turned the tilt dial down, and got serious on a 9-seated PLO table. I really like my play in this hand, where I called a $14 pot bet from the aggressive button, turned the nut str8 and rivered the nut flush. I bet the turn huge and the button folded, and the short stack didn't improve his KKxx overpair.

But at least I didn't play as bad as this guy, shoving his stack with btm 2 pr vs top set aces in $190 pot. I ended the session about $60 down. Donkey.

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