Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Auto-Play Setting

More in the vein of hands that play themselves: betting into the table from early position flopping an open-ended str8 flush draw. I bet near pot $8 into $10, guy on left shoves for $20 with 2nd set of 6s, guy on his left cold-calls. I couldn't make sense of his call; the short stack had enough to properly raise, and thus let me reraise (and with a 50%+ shot at my draws -15 outs - I shoved for $27 more), and then he folds to my shove. If he's cold calling a $20 raise, why fold for $27 more when there's so much in the pot?? I turn my str8 and take down a $65 pot. One thing to consider - he might have had either the open ended or flush draws, the latter of which takes out 2 of my outs).
One thing I was thinking about the other day, although it's true that I've got a 50% shot at hitting my outs (and 2 of those are pure nut outs), I could hit one of my other 13 outs but still lose if he fills up. So what are my true odds? Any 6, ten, or 4 will fill his boat, so there are 7 of those (one 6, 3 tens, and 3 4s), left in the deck. Plus there is the chance that running ranks will hit the board. Too much to think about right now.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Donkey King Kong (me)

I usually don't reraise preflop with 58off, but when I posted the cut-off and the only pf player was the min-raiser to my right, I read weakness (he held ace-ten off), and reraised to 10xbb. Unfortunately, the small blind min-reraised with pocket kings, and normally I'd snapfold, but when the original min-raiser called, I decided to take a flyer and call too. The 589 rainbow flop was beautiful; they check to me, I tiny bet $5, both call. The turned ace should've scared off the short stack kings, but he bets all in into the aces, aces flat calls, I shove for $30, aces calls and I collect a $110 highly-undeserved pot. I'll take it. My preflop read on ace-ten was on, but when a guy min-raises late, he's probably a calling station, so I would've had to bluff big flopping air. Hell, he still might have called. And it's that secondary read that paid off over time.

I took him out when I made a monster call (ok, it was him), 50-plus hands later when he bet all in $37+ into a $42 pot rivering aces vs my aces up, with 3 diamonds showing on the turn. I called (I really didn't think he had the flush or the str8), and finally popped him. Sweet victory. Nothing like waiting around on a table for one fish, then you finally reel him in (or he just jumps in your boat, like here).

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lo-riding Donkeys

Here in 10c O8B I turn quad aces, and BigRocco flopped the 2nd nut lo, check-calls my pot bets ($1 on flop, $3 on turn), rivers the nut lo and bets pot, I shove just in case he's playing just a boat, he calls. He then proceeds to berate me for raising (when he had chased the nut lo on the turn). In low stakes Omaha hi-lo I see donkeys chasing the lo against pot bets all the time. The only upside to this play is being able to nut the lo and bluff the hi, but when he said "I knew you had quads", obviously he wasn't going for that.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Riding the Donkeys

...at 25cO8B 9 max again (average pot size after a half-hour: $27, over 100x bb!!). I'd like to think I played well here, but this hand played itself from the flop. The short stack donkey Turddle bets the pot into the big stack maniac TripleNuts, into my medium stack holding nut FD, nut lo draw, and inside str8 draw, so do I: a) call, b) fold, or c) jam the pot with every last red cent? My only regret - I could only raise for $10, which was a little less than a third of my stack. Donkey shoves for $1 and change more, maniac calls. I turn the perfect card - 4d - which gives me the nut flush and wheel lo. The maniac check-calls my $10 bet - half my stack and a third of the pot, then check-folds a blank river for my last $11. What could he have called with on the turn that he would fold on the river??? Well, he is a maniac. Who cares. I take a $50+ pot (which for those new to math, is 200x bb).

That hand played itself. In this hand, donkey bets a small pot on the turn, and I call with a str8 flush draw - even with the board paired, he is a donkey after all. A surprise check-call from the small blind behind me tells me that I'm probably drawing dead. And the river - the miracle 8h to complete a jack-hi str8 flush. Obviously the donkey's money goes in, and I take Rover's stack also against his big boat queens full - I really thought he had quads what with the reraise game we had on that tragic river, which he should've considered me having. Oh well, I take a $110 pot.

The rule when deciding to enter a hand in hi-lo split games dictates that you hold cards that draw to both ends, not just one. I follow this rule more for limit games, but in pot- and no-limit I'll come in with only a hi hand as long as I'm in position and there has been at most one pre-flop pot raise. Here I limped with all paint on the button, and overcall an early pot bet with mucho outs to broadway versus his top- and bottom-pair. We both turn str8s - me with nuts (I even out-two-paired him there), and he with 2nd nuts, and guess what? All our money goes in. He misses a 2-outer to an underboat (submarine?), and my Broadway holds for a $115 pot.

SUMMARY: after just over an hour of play, I'm up 3.5 buyins. The juice just keeps flowing.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Donkey Corral: 25c O8B

Don't usually play Omaha hi/lo, but I add it into the mix for occasional variety. You need some real donkeys at the table to make any money; if everyone there is at least half-decent then there's really no edge at all. You'll end up heads up a lot and splitting the pot. But this table was filled with live ones, committing some classic mistakes of the game:
  • Calling pot-sized bets after the flop drawing to the lo only, with no reasonable hi or hi draw. This is one of the dumbest plays in poker.
  • Raising preflop with aces and kings, and then overplaying them after the flop (see chat below, when I slowplayed flopped trips against an obvious preflop big pair).
  • Overestimating fold equity. There are so many draws in O8B, when someone bets the pot on the flop, coming over the top bluffing air is -EV of almost infinite magnitude. I felted a guy in a $50 pot when he tried it.
  • Calling 3- and 4-bets preflop with cards that are good only for hi or lo hands. You're putting a lot of money in before you have any idea of how the hand will develop.

This was a nothing hand at 25c O8B, not sure why he was pissed...


KODIAKZERO wins ($7.13 chips).
KODIAKZERO: did you mistype "NH sir"?
AKADINKY wins ($3.82 chips).
DISCOKG: no fu
KODIAKZERO: ok, well thanks for your dead money

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Drawing to something you cannot bet

This is one of the dumbest moves in poker - drawing to something you cannot bet. In this hand of 50c PLO, Fatballs calls my bet on the turn with a baby FD and nut FD, even as the turn paired the board. So when he rivers his nut flush, he checks from early position and gets no action. Now one could argue that with double flush draws, he was in the money on the turn check-call anyways, but I see players making this play without any odds to call (real or implied), and checking their hands after they hit.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Donkey Hit by the Deck

This guy is the biggest donkey to get hit by the deck in a long time. He went from under $40 to over $400 by doubling up donking out hand after hand. I rsd 3x late pf with AQ, he rersd to $21 from the blind with KQs, I shoved (because I knew I was good), and he calls, and hits his flush for a $260 pot. He hit hand after hand, and then the luck ran out. He reraised late with 69s, then called all in from aces in the blind for $35. He went down to about $280 when I raised utg with AQ (again), he reraised to over $20 with 47s, I shoved for $190, he calls and hits two pair.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Luck Be a Lady

His sense of rhythm is way off, but for me, this is the classic poker song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfInancKQdE

Thursday, August 27, 2009

O8B Maniac

This guy is trying to play a super-aggressive style of Omaha, but can't quite pull it off. I saw him burn through over $250 since I sat down, busting out and rebuying at least 4 times:

1st bust: http://www.pokerhand.org/?4632967
2nd bust: http://www.pokerhand.org/?4632962
3rd bust: http://www.pokerhand.org/?4632965
4th bust: http://www.pokerhand.org/?4633014

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm the Luckbox

I've never played with this guy before - he was up 2 buyins on a 7-2 hold'em table when I hit his 7-2 two pair with a flopped set of 3s. The funny part was him spewing about what a luckbox I am. Within the next five hands he called me a joke six times, and a luckbox five times.

( Result for Hand 1605012083 )
KODIAKZERO wins ($69.25) with (Three of a kind, threes).
SHIPIT1227: i knew it
SHIPIT1227: a set
SHIPIT1227: ****** luck box
KODIAKZERO: lol, vs your 27? hahahaha
SHIPIT1227: see how they put 2 an 7 out there
SHIPIT1227: i had 2 pair
SHIPIT1227: u dum ***
KODIAKZERO: and I'm the luckbox, ok HAHAHAHA
SHIPIT1227: ur a joke kid
KODIAKZERO: you trying to tilt me, or make me laugh?
SHIPIT1227: u got lucky the 2 came out
SHIPIT1227: u ***in joke
( Result for Hand 1605014663 )
SHIPIT1227 wins ($2.40) with (Two Pair, fours and threes).
KODIAKZERO: ok tilt monkey
SHIPIT1227: disgusting luck box
KODIAKZERO: 2nd best sucks don't it??
SHIPIT1227: ur a joke
KODIAKZERO: esp. when u "knew" I had the set
SHIPIT1227: i did
SHIPIT1227: what else u have loser
SHIPIT1227: tuff to get away from
KODIAKZERO: just keep shipping it
SHIPIT1227: if u have AA u lose
SHIPIT1227: u joke
SHIPIT1227: u got lucky i had 2 pair
KODIAKZERO: are you STILL complaining?
KODIAKZERO: hand was over 5 mins ago
SHIPIT1227: shut ur mouth kid
KODIAKZERO: try "block chat" bud
SHIPIT1227: dont worry i will crack u wide open
( Result for Hand 1605017947 )
CHANZE008 wins ($10.20 chips).
KODIAKZERO: keep firing then
SHIPIT1227: im up 100 um good
SHIPIT1227: i was up 150
KODIAKZERO: you came in with $13? wow
SHIPIT1227: intill luck box hit a set
( Result for Hand 1605021955 )
MARCEL260190 wins ($1.25 chips).
SHIPIT1227: if i had 77 u might be cryin rite now
SHIPIT1227: lol
KODIAKZERO: so what feels worse - that I hit it, or that u paid me?
SHIPIT1227: u ***in joke
SHIPIT1227: god u suck
SHIPIT1227: keep talkin loser
KODIAKZERO: yeah I'm a total payoff wizard
SHIPIT1227: tuff hand to get away from
SHIPIT1227: ur the luck box
SHIPIT1227: 2 outer champ
KODIAKZERO: well, if ur as half as good as u think u are, you'll recover
SHIPIT1227: 7 on river
SHIPIT1227: be sick
( Result for Hand 1605023168 )
KODIAKZERO wins ($1.45 chips).
SHIPIT1227: oh dont worry bout that
SHIPIT1227: it will come from u
SHIPIT1227: watch luck box
SHIPIT1227: luck runs out
SHIPIT1227: i will b there wit a monster when it does
SHIPIT1227: we r at a 2 7 table u ****** loser
SHIPIT1227: god ur a joke
( Result for Hand 1605026474 )
DJGRUMPY wins ($2.15 chips).
SHIPIT1227: u win 36 dollars an wont shut up
SHIPIT1227: first time winning huh>?
SHIPIT1227: i understand
SHIPIT1227: i would b happy my first win too

Friday, August 21, 2009

"u could of got me for way more"

Here's a line that I've never understood in poker chat: "u could of got me for way more". In this hand, he bets a small pot with king hi flush, I call with top set queens, turn the top boat, and then flat call his probe bet, then raise him strong on the river after his bet indicates he thinks he's still good. He calls, and then calls me an idiot because he would've paid me off even more. Go figure.

(Result for Hand 1599645032)
KODIAKZERO wins Hi($26.15) with (Full house, queens full of eights).
You've been awarded 3 Absolute Points + 1 FAME Status Point.
REHABSLAVE: nice catch
REHABSLAVE: your an idiot
KODIAKZERO: thx for paying
REHABSLAVE: u could of got me for way more
KODIAKZERO: so you're a bigger fish than I thought, ok
KODIAKZERO: I'll keep that in mind

Friday, July 31, 2009

Low Limit Tourneys - Makin Fun o' the Newbs

H-TOWN JOKER wins (1,440 chips).
Blinds have been raised to 10/20
VUNIT1: moron
VUNIT1: kodiak
KODIAKZERO: excuse me?
VUNIT1: no excuse
KODIAKZERO: fold it and shut it, beaccch
CALEXNI wins (1,320 chips).
KODIAKZERO: learn to play poker Cunit
VUNIT1: you mean raise and then fold
KODIAKZERO: when you get to chapter 3, call me
KODIAKZERO: and then you can start calling ppl out
VUNIT1: so dumb
KODIAKZERO: I know, but you're new
LEDYES wins (720 chips).
KODIAKZERO: so we'll let it go
VUNIT1: you know that you are so dumb
VUNIT1: that's great
KODIAKZERO: newbie, stfu
CALEXNI wins (1,020 chips).
KODIAKZERO wins (250 chips).
1PAINTER1 wins (3,310) with (Straight, eight to queen).
Player H-TOWN JOKER has finished the tournament in # 39 place.
CALEXNI wins (100 chips).
KODIAKZERO wins (200 chips).
KODIAKZERO wins (300 chips).
LEDYES wins (2,310) with (Full house, jacks full of nines).
Player VUNIT1 has finished the tournament in # 38 place.
Blinds have been raised to 15/30
KODIAKZERO: I hope he heard that

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hands to make you quit poker

So I 4 bet it preflop with AAJJs to $52 in $1 PLO 6 max after this joker 3 bets with 2245s. He calls, then bets all in $80 on Q63 rainbow flop; not a bad play on the flop (big draw + fold equity), but how in the hell did he call $50 preflop with that junk?? For more than a third of his stack?? I had it bad all night (down $350 after crushing it night after night), but this hand epitomized the bad running.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Miracle 3 outer on river

I tend to come into a table hot and heavy, and then change gears and tighten up. Here I overplayed AAxx, and when Ray min-checkraised my $15 turn bet, instead of steam-shoving, I call and river...(drumroll please)...the Royal. That last miracle card didn't slow him down at all, kind of like my aces earlier. But when a donkey like me makes a 3 card suckout on the river, why should it??

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Omaha Wrap Shove

The action on this $1 PLO 6 max table was really dying off, so when I limped and bet the unraised pot flopping top set queens, and the guy on right checkraised the pot at me, I figured he must have a lesser set, given that there was no flush draw and any str8 draws would be way behind. So instead of flat calling I reraised the pot, and called when he shoved with his wrap draw.
I miscounted the first time I looked at this replay. Rather than the normal 8 outs with a wrap draw, holding the ace gave him a total of 13 outs. A wrap and flush draw give you got 15 outs for about a 50-50 shot from the flop, so he had slightly less than 50%, but close. Much better than a one-third shot with just a wrap. That's a very big point to remember in Omaha.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Monster Hand, Monster Call

I decided to keep jamming the pot with my wrap draws in this hand, and this guy followed until we rivered it. He shoved with 3rd nut str8, I monster called with 2nd nut str8 in a $230 pot.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Live by the sword,...

Playing $1 PLO 6 max with a big stack bully raising pot preflop every hand, then betting people out. He doubled me up twice when I picked up massive draws, most notably here in this $300+ pot. I flopped open-ended plus medium FD, he shoved on turn with just the slightly higher FD when I hit nut str8. He had well over $500 (two-and-a-half buyins), but overplayed his draws and dropped down to about $50.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Gamefly Ad - Me after bad beat online

I f'ng love this commericial. This is exactly how I feel after an online suckout (in anything other than poker, that line would be questionable).

AAxx holds in PLO vs 3 others

I'm at the end of a great run at AP, up well over $1000 in the past two weeks with a lot of variance. I dropped $150 in a 30 minute session tonight, but recouped most of it when I felted 3 short stacks with AAxxs after 3 betting preflop. I put them all in on a 952 rainbow flop, and they all called! Go figure.

I made a huge mistake here, when I flopped top 2 pair against a guy I knew to be loose aggressive. My read was dead on - he had top pair deuce kicker plus FD, and I pushed the pot at him. I only won $5 back, 'cuz there was a guy who flopped the nut str8 going along for the ride. That sucked. I was only paying attention to the maniac, and got felted for it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have the hardest time playing 50PLO against this guy. He plays like a total maniac, like here; then there's the two hands where he flopped top set vs my bottom set and I paid off his pot bets on flop and turn (both checking to scary river), and then when he flopped quads vs my turned nut flush. It's a little easier to play against such a style in Texas Hold'em, but in Omaha it's different. Each hand is like a box of chocolates. I can only really play the pure nuts against him.

Legendary First Hands (Part 1)

So I sit down at table "Kodiak St.", which AP graciously named after me (ok, they didn't, or at least I don't know they did, but this is my blog, so they did), and look down at pocket jacks and raise 5x from the big blind to a limping table. Normally I prefer pocket rockets my first hand, but flopping quads kinda makes up for it. Especially when the villain turns the nut flush. Especially when he doesn't care that the board is already paired. And nothing can stop him from shoving in his stack. Sweet!

Big Fold (well, not for PLO)

On two other 50c PLO tables I was up almost $150 in about 20 minutes. On this table I was getting the worst of the deck, but instead of tilting off my stack, I kept cool and made a big fold here, flopping 4s full of queens with a guy betting the raised pot into me. I called his $10 bet on the flop after considering raising, but when he bet pot $30+ into me on a turned blank 7, I had to reevaluate. The best hand I could put him on was QQ4x, where he had top boat and no worries about quads (rare even in Omaha, but still worth considering). And betting the pot into me in a game where some players only play the nuts, I had no choice but to fold (without more info about the player, other than the fact that he's up at least one buyin). Sucks to lay down a flopped boat, but you're not in Texas anymore, Dorothy. This is Omaha.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Worst Player Ever??

This is the kind of cold decking that drives me nuts. I raise pf w/ QQ, he calls w/ A6o, then calls down my bets with just about nothing, even after the turn brings a third club. He rivers an ace and we both check. Just remind myself - "this is exactly the kind of action I want." Except when it hits.

The game is crooked, but it's the only game in town...

There's a poker quote that goes like this:

George Devol: "Can't you see this game is crooked?"
Canada Bill: "Sure I know it, but it's the only game in town."
~William "Canada Bill" Jones

and that's exactly what this poker chat reminded me of:

( Result for Hand 1493661463 )
ED_BAILY wins ($15.00) with (Full house, fives full of nines).
( Result for Hand 1493662648 )
AASEDUCTION wins ($5.00 chips).
( Result for Hand 1493669350 )
ED_BAILY wins ($49.40) with (Full house, fours full of queens).
KODIAKZERO: so why play here then?
( Result for Hand 1493671648 )
ALLINKC wins ($1.90 chips).
AASEDUCTION: just another online crooked site
KODIAKZERO: until you win
AASEDUCTION: if you think you will ever win here you are a moron
KODIAKZERO: I just cashed out $800 last night
KODIAKZERO: so I must be REALLY stupid
AASEDUCTION: you are a lying poker player
AASEDUCTION: as if that is new
AASEDUCTION: you will do nothing here but pay rake
AASEDUCTION: if you tell me anything else i know you are full
AASEDUCTION: of shi...t
KODIAKZERO: so again, then why do you play here?
( Result for Hand 1493675537 )
ED_BAILY wins ($1.90 chips).
( Result for Hand 1493677455 )
KODIAKZERO wins ($3.32 chips).

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Stealing from the Church

On the same table, a player named "FatherBrown" took the same donkey seat as the gutshot guy. He was just as bad, but with less money (vow of poverty?? ha ha) - must be something about that seat. Anyways, he min raised preflop in early pos. with KTo, one caller, then I call from big blind with J3s. Not a great hand, but when I know that the min-raiser is loose-aggressive, this hand might pay off. So I flop 2nd nut flush, bet into him, he minraised with 2nd pair and 3rd nut flush draw, then calls my 3bet. The turn brings another diamond, I bet into him, he minraised with his lesser flush, then calls all in on my 3b. Sigh. I almost feel bad. I guess another $50+ from this pot will make me feel better.

Running with Donkeys (revisited)

This hand made absolutely no sense to me. Did the guy call by accident? Hit the wrong button? Or did he think his gutshot was good? I bet the flop with OESD and flush draw, donkey one calls, donkey 2 min-raised with top-top, I shove with my massive draws, then donkey 1 pauses and calls. What was he thinking??? (Usually when that question is asked, then answer is "he wasn't"!) I expected the big stack to fold whatever he had, and the short stack to call with his overpair or top-top (or even AK/AQ).

Funny part (aside from an all-in gutshot call), was the poker chat from the short stack with top-top. He doesn't seem to understand that I had a 50% chance of winning the hand, aside from the folding equity of shoving against him and representing two pair or a set. But maybe I'm wrong. Don't think so tho:

(Result for Hand 1489874644)
KODIAKZERO wins ($219.00) with (Straight, five to nine).
ACEMYNAME: i was joking. horrible flop bets
ACEMYNAME: both of you deserved to lose that
ACEMYNAME: but that's poker
KODIAKZERO: what did you fold? AK?
ACEMYNAME: AJ, glad i got out, but still
ACEMYNAME: had flop top pair
KODIAKZERO: then don't complain
(Result for Hand 1489876101)
KODIAKZERO wins ($58.00) with (Flush, ace high).
You've been awarded 3 Absolute Points + 1 FAME Status Point.
ACEMYNAME: i ain't complaining. just calling an idiot an idiot, ha
KODIAKZERO: just fold and shut it
ACEMYNAME: i played mine right, did you?
KODIAKZERO: if you thought my play was bad, then you don't know jack
KODIAKZERO: about poker
ACEMYNAME: lol, you almost lost!
(Result for Hand 1489878518)
DHOUSE wins ($12.35 chips).
ACEMYNAME: ther'es a difference between losing and folding
KODIAKZERO: save it for your book
(Result for Hand 1489879810)
WASA636 wins ($28.05) with (Straight, six to ten).
ACEMYNAME: "in memory of kodiakzero" i'll be sure to give a shoutout
(Result for Hand 1489881036)
KODIAKZERO wins ($2.40 chips).
You've been awarded 3 Absolute Points + 1 FAME Status Point.
KODIAKZERO: send me a copy

On the other table, a 50PLO 6 max, I lost half stack to another donkey that takes the worst of it, only this one consistently sucks out. In this hand, I figured the guy for a big overpair like KKxx or AAxx, so when he bet pot into me when I flopped 3 pair, I figured I was good (as long as the board doesn't pair against me). Instead of folding (which I admit, would be very un-donkeylike), he calls my pot raise for most of his stack and turns his two outer. Sick.


I played on this one table just because CJMunny was still burning chips like they were subprime mortgages. I outplayed him on a couple of hands, checkraising him all in with only 2nd pair. He literally donked off hundreds of dollars; I can count at least $500 across 3 or 4 reloads since I got on the table (and I joined because of the attractive table stats, most likely due to him). So I waited until this hand, when I flopped 2nd set vs two players, both with top pair aces. CJMunny had the worst of it with a six kicker and no draw, and the other poor sap turned top two pair aces & kings. I checked the turn and CJ instabets $77, most of his stack, guy 3 snap calls all in (as would anyone, esp. against CJ), and I checkraise CJ - he pauses to think, then decides that $15 more into a $300 pot is a good call (if the $77 wasn't a good bet, $15 more is certainly a good call). The case ace stays home on the river (as does his cowboy cohorts), and this little piggy took the $320 pot.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to play top set flopped against PLO draws

This hand perfectly exemplifies how to play flopped top set (nuts), against flush and OESD's: when the guy bets the unraised pot, you call. You don't raise, you don't shove, you don't bet the pot - you just call. In Texas Hold'em, you do the opposite - you shove every chip you can into the pot on the flop. But in Omaha, as this hand illustrates, I was actually behind in the hand - he had a better chance of winning from the flop than I did. So, I call his pot semi-bluff (which maybe, you can't even really call it a semi-bluff), take a look at the turn (which completed one of his draws), smooth call his value bet to try and fill up on the river, and then he gives me a chance to bluff at it. I think he should've made a small value bet, almost a begging bet, which I might have donate-called anyways, but maybe he gets a raise from others.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back in the Grind

Been grinding away at 50PLO, up $400 or so the past week. Nothing too impressive, except this table from today, where a guy was up over 11 buy-ins. How is that possible? Even if you buy-in for the $100 max, most of the players here buy in for $50 or less. Even if the other players bought in for $100 each, they would all still have to lose two stacks to him.

Friday, June 12, 2009

PiƱata Player

After an awesome run at 50PLO, I regressed into Rambo mode and donked off hundreds of dollars in winnings, busting out at FullTilt and nearly doing so at AbsolutePoker. I came up with a metaphor for the style of play I've exhibited of late: The PiƱata Player. It's like I'm in a room swinging a big stick while wearing a blind fold. Only instead of there being a big fat piƱata filled with goodies, the room is full of other guys with big sticks, only they're not wearing blind folds.

Monday, June 8, 2009

PLO - Live by the sword, die by the sword

Frustrating session of 50PLO. I doubled up on a table, then decided to play that fated one last hand before leaving the table, in which I flopped the nut str8 and slowplayed it vs flopped top set. I pushed all in for over $100 on a blank turn, the guy pushed his chips in (did my slowplay work, or was he just that bad? turns out, just that bad), and the river paired the board. I put my name on the waiting list, bought back in, and started on my refund here, flopping draws to the nut flush and an open-ended str8, giving me outs on half the deck. The donk pushed top and bottom pair, a hand that should be easily foldable for most Omaha players. But I'll take his money. He donked out before I could get a full refund.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back in with PLO

Been having a good run at 50PLO lately, but the funnest hand was this one, where the up-six-buyin bigstack overplayed his weak draws, and I doubled up with rivered quad queens. Sweet. And then the ladies turned around and slapped me when I pushed 2nd set + top of open-ended draw here. The big stack from the first hand has two preflop moves: fold or raise the pot. And then he gets out of the hand quick if he misses the flop, but will bet pot in position if he smells weakness. He has a very successful strategy: by raising so much against players who have so little (in terms of stack size), he's pressuring them to get lucky. The players at 25PLO tend towards the obvious - bet if they hit, check/fold if they miss. So by raising the pot preflop, and betting the pot on the flop to a table of checkers, he scoops a lot of pots, barring of course the occasional all-in short stack checkraise (like in this hand when shorty felt really strong about 2nd set - and this time the bully flopped top set, rivering quads). Omaha is a tough game - it's less about reads, like in Texas Hold'Em, and more about fundamental hand value (especially the value of draws).

My ladies club hand sparked an unruly response from the big stack:

KODIAKZERO wins ($94.05) with (Four of a kind, queens).
KODIAKZERO: I love quads
CAMPBN44: ***** off'

and then when the ladies struck back he razzed me a bit:

MICK40165 wins ($79.95) with (Full house, queens full of twos).
CAMPBN44: lol
CAMPBN44: yep
MR_ANDERSONJR: yeah you called
KODIAKZERO: with 2nd set and open draw

but we made friends after quadding it up himself:

CAMPBN44 wins ($37.87) with (Four of a kind, nines).
TILLTHEEND: lol unreal
CAMPBN44: ty K
KODIAKZERO: quads are nice eh?
CAMPBN44: yes sry about being an azz to u
KODIAKZERO: its all part of the game ;-)
TILLTHEEND: thats poker

It's all good bro. And don't forget, there's no sorry in poker.

Monday, June 1, 2009


This hand looks way too suspicious (like he knew the turned gutshot was gonna hit): http://www.pokerhand.org/?4308057. Also suspicious: he plays like this and is up almost seven buyins.

Friday, May 22, 2009

$10+1 sng 45 person

I usually don't play sit'n'gos, but after winning a quick $20 in a cash game, I thought I'd take half of it and play this, and ended up winning. My best hand of the tourney: you never forget your last, especially when flopping the nut straight.

More Love for PLO

I love PLO maniacs, the kind of player that will chase any draw, bet into your nuts, etc., and this guy was all about that: http://www.pokerhand.org/?4266700. I stuck around just for him.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Great Start

Great start to a session of 50c nlhe 9 seat - I post early (unusual), look down at A3s and put in a standard 3x raise (also unusual). The button reraises 7x, and I and two others call. I flop the nut flush (extra unusual), and I bet out $2 - just enough to represent weakness and beg a raise, which I get when the short stack pushes for $6 more. The guy behind him calls, and I think I made a mistake by minraising, because the 3rd guy quickly folds. Not sure how I would have played the turn after smooth calling the raise. With a queen hi flop and the short stack holding the Jc, what could he have folded? Would he fold the king of clubs there, thinking he was drawing dead?

I got into a decent hand in 50c PLO 9 max when a guy I considered loose aggressive raised preflop, and I called with a hand I would usually fold. He flopped the nuts, deuces full of queens, and we both check. I bet the turn with tens full, he raised good, and then called my reraise. I really didn't think he had anything (certainly not queens full), and he just calls my reraise, then calls same bet on river.

I left the NLHE table, but the action continued in PLO. I more than tripled up in back-to-back hands, first when this guy overplayed his AAxx for the third time, and then when I flopped the nut flush vs 2nd and 3rd best. I love that Helmuth quote about PLO, where you can turn "a toothpick into a lumberyard."

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fireworks from the Sidelines

Not much action for me, but I watched two ridiculous hands tonight. The first involved a 50c PLO hand with a guy all in with 6688s vs AATT vs KKxxs, and he hits a flush for $135. In the second, a donkey limp-calls in late position with ace deuce offsuit vs a 7x QQ raise from the blinds, flops the wheel and doubles up.

The best hole cards I got was KK, I raised 4x pf, a limp-caller with T7s hits an A77 flop. We check it, I raise small on turn, and we check river.

My latest poker quip: "Trying to get a hand in hold'em is like trying to get a drink in the desert. Trying to get a hand in Omaha is like trying to get a drink from the ocean." Well, at least it made sense after a few beers.

I lost a chunk with a misread here. I put the guy on AQ/AK, not AJ, when he checked the flop and bet the turn (put him on bluff). I should've folded the river.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back from the Dead

So I've donked off over $500 in the last week, and so I'm starting over from square one. I bought into a 50c nlhe 9 max game for $35, lost $10, then doubled up in this hand. I 3bet the blind with AKs vs his 77, I check flopped aces behind him, he pushes on blank turn and I instacall for $50 pot.

You know what I love? Hitting the nuts and getting paid. I turn the nut flush vs infant baby flush, and the guy pays off my half-pot bets in this $40 pot. I can't imagine that he'd pay off any more, but who knows.

After these sessions of NLHE and PLO on FT, I'm just about back to the $150 I bought in for last night. D'oh!

Made $100 back today, mostly grinding out pots. One interesting hand came up when I raised the pot early preflop with KK, and got a late reraise. I called to underrepresent, and the flop brought the dreaded ace with 2 hearts. I check-called a $5 bet, which seemed kind of weak; the bet size reinforced my thought that he might be holding tens or jacks. A third heart on the turn gave me the nut flush draw, and he folded when I put in a strong bet. Still wondering what he held. If he held AK, AQ, AA, or QQ, I think he would have either put in a stronger bet on the flop, or at least not folded the turn.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Stayin Alive

I took first in an eight-handed home game last Thursday, played well, and then busted out early in the second game. I always have trouble gearing down once I'm in an aggressive short-handed tourney finale. So I went home and donked off over $150 on AP to continue the downward streak. I played okay until this hand of $1/2 PLO, where a guy bet $67 on the river with AAxx, I called with QQxx on a board of 888xx. I check-called a raised pot bet with 4th nuts. Horrible, horrible, horrible. This hand set off the donk run where I busted out of PLO and overplayed half my stack in NLHE.

I finally bought back in to FullTilt tonight, and was doing ok until I rivered the nut flush as the board paired. That cost me most of my stack of $50. I made it up on this table with some guy named "tony fagundo", who would play any two cards preflop raise or no, would chase down hands and then bet the pot when he hit. I watched him burn through about $150 from his peak.

After a horrible run at 50c PLO on AP, I switched over to 9 seat 50c nlhe on FT. Lost a chunk of change here with QQ up against KK. I felt dominated and played it out anyways. Oh well.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bad Habits

Sat down at donkey corral (>40% players/flop, >20xbb avg pot), and watched some horrible hands (such as this). I didn't get into a big one until limp-calling a 5x pf raise with 56s and flopped flush. I check-called $4 on flop, then min-checkraised $8 bet on turn - I put him on AK/AQ or big pair, but I should've bet much more than min-checkraising in case he had As or Ks, which he did. My move raised him $8 in a pot of $35, which gave him easy odds to call. And then I stupidly check-called $20 on river spade, knowing that he had the big flush. Stupid, stupid. It's a tendency of playing a hand as if the last card had not yet fallen, something I really need to work on. That hand set off a tilt run that cost me a quick $100, and had to work twice as hard to grind $50 back.

Another tendency I have when a bad beat hits me in the corral is to play as bad as the donkeys around me. I really get caught up in the loose action.

I took a break, took a nap, and woke up refreshed for some PLO. I find that if I play badly at one game, switching between NLHE and PLO helps me get back on track. I took down a small $10 pot flopping 3 pair the first hand in 50plo, when Phimmy called me down with what had to be a weak hand. I stacked him a little later in a $45 pot with 2nd big boat over his set. I've seen him play a lot better than this - can only assume he was just done at that table. This hand kept developing in interesting ways. I tripled the limpers with A678ss from the blind, small bet my 2nd pair + top of open-ended draw, small bet turning flush draw + 2 pr, then small bet again rivering boat. I took down the $20 pot. After this 20 min session I'm +$7 for the day. Woo-hoo!

I followed Phimmy to the $1-2PLO table, where I quickly lost almost a third of my stack early by check-calling a pot bet of $14 with open-ended plus med. flush draws. The call was good, but then I made a bad $20 call when I rivered the flush (and str8!), but villain hit boat. Bad misread. I made it all back plus when Phimmy made a weird preflop raise UTG with a very weak hand. I flat called with AAxxs, and flat called his $30 bet flopping queens on Q99 board. He's a maniac. I called with AA+nut flush draw, third guy calls with KK+2nd nut flush draw, we all check down hand and I collect $140 pot. I later fired a decent value bet on turn and river, and Phimmy checkraised me from $10 to $50 on river, I fold. Reluctantly. I think the guy is just firing out chips. The best position to be in with him would be to slowplay the pure nuts. I'm pretty sure he'll do the betting for me. More proof that he's insane? Look here. He limp-calls a big pf raise with a medium-strength hand (at best), then calls a guy all in with a gutshot and a 7-hi flush draw for $67 on the turn. I end the PLO session up $20, down from being up $60 early, but way up from being down $40 earlier.

After eating a really disappointing Italian sub from Pizza Boli's, I joined some action at 50plo 6 max, and this short stack quintipled up from $20 playing very aggressive hands like this, where he reraised the pot preflop with junk 77T5s, but this time he got caught vs AAK8 - or did he? No, he rivers crappy two pair for $57 pot. He was trying to establish position so he could bluff at a raised pot later (that's how he built his stack up thus far). After being exposed so baldly he completely changed his style. He got me in a big hand when I raised pf with xxx and he reraise from blind with 7756s. He flopped set and slow-played it at first, slowly dialing up the heat as I improved to a set of aces on river vs his small boat, and I called a big $19 bet. I end up $60 down for the session by playing his game instead of mine.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Slow Day Revs Up

Sat down at 9 seat 100nl where two maniacs were going at each other. I didn't have anything good enough to get into a hand with them, so it was a fairly quiet session until this hand, when the flop gave me set over set. I slowplayed it by check-calling down to the river, then min-checkraising his $20 bet. I didn't think he was that strong - otherwise all of my chips would've been in the middle.

I later played some 100nl on FullTilt, and I flopped the nut str8 the first hand. The big stack bet the pot with a king high flush draw, I flat call, and a third guy raises to $15. Big stack moves in for $100, I call and short stack calls, turn makes flush and he wins $240 pot. That sucked.

I switched back to AP and doubled up with quad deuces vs pocket king overpair in a $200 pot. I played it perfectly, limping in with 22 from the small blind and calling his KK big blind 5x raise. I will almost always call one preflop raise with a small pair if the raiser has enough to justify it (if the raiser's stack is less than about nine times the raise, then the implied odds don't justify the call). I check-called his $10 bet on the 267 flop, then min-checkraised his $28 bet on turned quads. I bet out $30 on a blank river, and he reraised me all in for a dollar or two more (as if I would fold). I can only think that he thought I had either top top or some barely overpair like 88 or 99.

Sat down at 50plo 6 seat, and took out two short stacks at the same time in the first hand. I flopped 2nd set tens on AT7 rainbow. When the first guy raised me from $1 to $5, I figured him for top two pair or a set of 7s - since there was no preflop raise, I didn't put either of them on top set. Some players will limp with AAxx, but you rarely see short stacks doing that. The third guy had top & bottom pair, something that every good Omaha player should be able to fold there.

I busted a short-stack maniac with top-top vs his underpair in this hand. I had seen him make a few plays at pots with weak hands earlier, so when he min-checkraised me and then bet all in on the turn, I figured I was way good.

Later I donked off $40 against a guy I thought was pushing position. I raised 5x from sb w/ AAQQss, he calls with 99xx. I chkd a 9-hi flop, he bet pot $6, and I really thought that he was using position to buy it, so I checkraised the pot, he calls, then calls when I put in the rest. I was tired, made a bad read, pick your favorite excuse.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Running with Donkeys

Started off today at 50nl 9 seat where the avg % players/flop was 70% and the avg pot size was 15x bb. As long as you play the nuts on these tables, you'll make some money; but if you try to get fancy you're gonna lose your shirt. That means rarely (if ever), bluffing, always betting the nuts, etc. Any strong hand will get paid, even if well less than nuts. I started out with $75 buy in, quickly lost $10 paying for info and raising big preflop with small pairs. But this is part of my process - I like to come in hot, seem a little loose aggressive (and see how that style plays on the table), then switch gears and tighten up. I always dig a little hole to get out of, but with patience it usually pays.

One thing I wonder a lot at these sorts of tables, with such a high plyr/flop%, that means that people are playing a lot of weak hands to see a flop - so is it +EV if I do the same? Obviously playing strong hands here is going to pay off - but I also think that by slightly lowering my hand selection, I'm also likely to get paid if I hit the flop in a big way. The problem with this strategy is that I get into hands like this one, where I flop a small pair and put the guy on some weak ace or KQ/KJ, so I checkraise the flop. It's a nothing pot - $7 - but playing too many of these will get me into trouble. At this point I'm almost $20 down, somewhat due to being card dead at a table of ATMs, but more from trying to make something out of nothing. The avg pot size is now $10, with about 40% players/flop. Still good action.

After the action died off, and being card dead the whole time, I moved on to 100nl where the action was a bit loose. This hand is a perfect example, I make a standard 3x raise pf w/ AQs, and this donkey Hilariorj calls with 37off. I bet $5 on A72 flop, he calls. I put him all in for $18 on turned 3, not thinking that he was playing 37off, and he of course instacalls, then leaves shortly after. Sucks, but this is exactly the kind of action that I want. If he's willing to put in $8 with junk, I'll just have to accept that he'll hit sometimes. A different donkey paid off that debt in this hand. I looked down at A9o, saw only two to my left left to act, and raised 4x. I generally don't like this play, but thought I could generate some action and still have position. TheHelk calls with KJs, and the flop comes AJ9, I bet $8 into him and he calls, and then calls another $10 on a blank turn. I'm a little scared of the river Kc making possible str8s and flushes, but not scared enough to put in another $10 value bet. Luckily he made a lesser two pair and paid me off. So he basically put in $30 being dominated the whole way. I took the rest of his $15 stack in this hand, where I limp in from sb w/ 83o (awful hand, but when you get 9x on the call, go for it). The flop comes 884 2 clubs, I check, and TheHelk bets all in for $14 with ATo. Not sure what he was hoping for here (there wasn't that much in the pot), but I see dying short stacks donk off their chips like this all the time. I'll take it. With 83offsuit!

Had a bad session later in afternoon. Went a bit card dead at 100nl, lost about $35 calling down small bets with 2nd best. I also played a little 25plo, and lost a chuck in this hand, when I flopped the nut str8 and a guy called me down to the river with 2nd set. I bet out when the river paired the board and told myself, "fold if he raises, fold if he raises" - min raise - d'oh! Why pay off the chase? I could've check-called $4 to see if he was bluffing, rather than bet into him and call to see. Dumb bet. I then treaded water until this hand, where I flopped bottom two pair on J57 rainbow. I figured the short stack for an overpair and IamJah for a draw, making my 2 pair a very strong hand. When I checkraised the pot I thought IamJah would fold out, but he made my small profit for the session of PLO.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Donking off after cashing out

After my fellow rounder TechmoSuperbowl advised me that this format of reading hands was too hard on his eyes, I decided to change the format a bit. So I'll be posting hands to pokerhand.org under the user "KodiakZero", and using this blog to link to it and to summarize my sessions.

I cashed out again last night from AP, and today I quickly donked off about 40% of my remaining bankroll in six-handed PLO. It started when I got tired of this short stack pushing every pot, so I pushed back with top 2 pair AK vs his flopped broadway (oops!). I gravely underestimated him - the classic mistake of confusing a weak stack for a weak player. This hand tilted me into making a huge donkey call on the river in this hand; I felt I was way ahead on the turn when he made a blocking bet with his nut flush draw, repp'ng a turned str8, but I still should've folded the river.

I got over myself, turned the tilt dial down, and got serious on a 9-seated PLO table. I really like my play in this hand, where I called a $14 pot bet from the aggressive button, turned the nut str8 and rivered the nut flush. I bet the turn huge and the button folded, and the short stack didn't improve his KKxx overpair.

But at least I didn't play as bad as this guy, shoving his stack with btm 2 pr vs top set aces in $190 pot. I ended the session about $60 down. Donkey.

Friday, May 8, 2009

SNG - Didn't expect the late QQ limper

But then again, it's a $2 SNG...

Stage #1643256004 Tourney ID 2051051 Holdem Single Tournament No Limit 100 - 2009-05-09 00:45:15 (ET)
Table: 28800251 (Real Money) Seat #2 is the dealer
Seat 1 - BIGBILLY57 (1,300 in chips)
Seat 2 - KEDASHY (2,095 in chips)
Seat 3 - PANTHERKIEV (1,580 in chips)
Seat 4 - KODIAKZERO (1,045 in chips)
Seat 5 - TJG51 (500 in chips)
Seat 7 - BIG MONEY 64 (1,600 in chips)
Seat 8 - PIPES69X (2,270 in chips)
Seat 9 - ANNIEDXXX (3,110 in chips)
PANTHERKIEV - Posts small blind 50
KODIAKZERO - Posts big blind 100
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [4c 5c]
TJG51 - Folds
BIG MONEY 64 - Folds
PIPES69X - Folds
BIGBILLY57 - Calls 100
*** FLOP *** [2c 5d 7h]
BIGBILLY57 - Calls 945
*** TURN *** [2c 5d 7h] [Qs]
*** RIVER *** [2c 5d 7h Qs] [As]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
BIGBILLY57 - Shows [Qh Qc] (Three of a kind, queens)
KODIAKZERO - Shows [4c 5c] (One pair, fives)
BIGBILLY57 Collects 2,190 from main pot

NLHE - First Hand - AK vs AA

I'd like to think that if he had had more than $20 I could've escaped this setup. I'd like to think that.

Stage #1412844900: Holdem No Limit $0.50 - 2009-05-08 19:01:12 (ET)
Table: BRICKSCAPE (Real Money) Seat #8 is the dead dealer
Seat 9 - RICCI269 ($42.80 in chips)
Seat 1 - SCHNELL ($133.80 in chips)
Seat 2 - WINDOW_DUDE ($24.50 in chips)
Seat 3 - CASH_W ($20 in chips)
Seat 4 - H8SUKOUTS ($21.50 in chips)
Seat 5 - JETZER12 ($36.59 in chips)
Seat 6 - WINSTON222 ($130.63 in chips)
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($100 in chips)
RICCI269 - Posts small blind $0.25
SCHNELL - Posts big blind $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Posts $0.50
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Ks Ac]
CASH_W - Folds
H8SUKOUTS - Raises $2.25 to $2.25
JETZER12 - Folds
WINSTON222 - Folds
KODIAKZERO - Calls $1.75
RICCI269 - Folds
*** FLOP *** [Kh 9d Jc]
H8SUKOUTS - Bets $5.25
KODIAKZERO - Raises $10.50 to $10.50
H8SUKOUTS - Calls $5.25
*** TURN *** [Kh 9d Jc] [3s]
H8SUKOUTS - Checks
H8SUKOUTS - All-In $8.75
KODIAKZERO - returned ($0.25) : not called
*** RIVER *** [Kh 9d Jc 3s] [4h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
H8SUKOUTS - Shows [Ad As] (One pair, aces)
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Ks Ac] (One pair, kings)
H8SUKOUTS Collects $41.10 from main pot

NLHE - Bluff when you can't beat the board

When you can't even beat the board, best to bluff on the river (haha):

Stage #1412887140: Holdem No Limit $0.50 - 2009-05-08 19:28:58 (ET)
Table: BRICKSCAPE (Real Money) Seat #7 is the dealer
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($74.73 in chips)
Seat 8 - TH3 SIZZLE ($42.50 in chips)
Seat 9 - RICCI269 ($55.44 in chips)
Seat 1 - BIG10KAHUNA ($38.60 in chips)
Seat 2 - WINDOW_DUDE ($17.63 in chips)
Seat 3 - CASH_W ($32 in chips)
Seat 4 - H8SUKOUTS ($27.90 in chips)
Seat 5 - FRANKSTER79 ($19.60 in chips)
Seat 6 - WINSTON222 ($92.53 in chips)
TH3 SIZZLE - Posts small blind $0.25
BIG10KAHUNA - Posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [2s 2d]
CASH_W - Folds
WINSTON222 - Calls $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Raises $2 to $2
TH3 SIZZLE - Folds
WINSTON222 - Calls $1.50
*** FLOP *** [Ad 5d 10d]
WINSTON222 - Checks
*** TURN *** [Ad 5d 10d] [5s]
WINSTON222 - Bets $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Calls $0.50
*** RIVER *** [Ad 5d 10d 5s] [Ah]
WINSTON222 - Checks
WINSTON222 - Folds
KODIAKZERO - returned ($5) : not called
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Does not show
KODIAKZERO Collects $5 from main pot

NLHE - Short Stacks Never Fold

Here I bet 25% of his stack on river, and he calls with ace high.

Stage #1412876622: Holdem No Limit $0.50 - 2009-05-08 19:22:07 (ET)
Table: BRICKSCAPE (Real Money) Seat #1 is the dealer
Seat 1 - BIG10KAHUNA ($22.50 in chips)
Seat 2 - WINDOW_DUDE ($19.88 in chips)
Seat 3 - CASH_W ($32.75 in chips)
Seat 4 - H8SUKOUTS ($28.90 in chips)
Seat 5 - FRANKSTER79 ($18.75 in chips)
Seat 6 - WINSTON222 ($100.03 in chips)
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($84.73 in chips)
Seat 8 - TH3 SIZZLE ($43 in chips)
Seat 9 - RICCI269 ($53.34 in chips)
WINDOW_DUDE - Posts small blind $0.25
CASH_W - Posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [7d 5d]
WINSTON222 - Folds
KODIAKZERO - Raises $1.50 to $1.50
TH3 SIZZLE - Folds
RICCI269 - Folds
BIG10KAHUNA - Calls $1.50
CASH_W - Folds
*** FLOP *** [6c Js 6h]
BIG10KAHUNA - Checks
*** TURN *** [6c Js 6h] [Jd]
BIG10KAHUNA - Calls $2
*** RIVER *** [6c Js 6h Jd] [Qs]
BIG10KAHUNA - Calls $5
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Shows [7d 5d] (Two Pair, jacks and sixes)
BIG10KAHUNA - Shows [Ad Ks] (Two Pair, jacks and sixes)
BIG10KAHUNA Collects $16.40 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot($17.75) | Rake ($0.85) | Jackpot Rake ($0.50)
Board [6c Js 6h Jd Qs]
Seat 1: BIG10KAHUNA (dealer) won Total ($16.40) HI:($16.40) with Two Pair, jacks and sixes(ace kicker) [Ad Ks - B:Js,B:Jd,B:6h,B:6c,P:Ad]
Seat 2: WINDOW_DUDE (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 3: CASH_W (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 4: H8SUKOUTS Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 5: FRANKSTER79 Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 6: WINSTON222 Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 7: KODIAKZERO HI:lost with Two Pair, jacks and sixes [7d 5d - B:Js,B:Jd,B:6h,B:6c,B:Qs]
Seat 8: TH3 SIZZLE Folded on the POCKET CARDS

NLHE - One more reason not to play the Tux Convoy

OK, so I just made up the "Tux Convoy" (ten-four suited - get it? haha), but here's a really good reason not to play it.

Stage #1412861470: Holdem No Limit $0.50 - 2009-05-08 19:12:00 (ET)
Table: RICHMOND (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealer
Seat 6 - RICCI269 ($11 in chips)
Seat 7 - SOCIALFIRE ($34.10 in chips)
Seat 8 - GILLBARR ($19.50 in chips)
Seat 1 - SCHNELL ($129.81 in chips)
Seat 2 - KODIAKZERO ($114.37 in chips)
Seat 3 - KIDBRAINS33 ($72 in chips)
SOCIALFIRE - Posts small blind $0.25
GILLBARR - Posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [8c Kc]
KODIAKZERO - Raises $1 to $1
KIDBRAINS33 - Calls $1
RICCI269 - Folds
SOCIALFIRE - Calls $0.75
*** FLOP *** [Kh 3c 7c]
KODIAKZERO - Bets $2.50
SOCIALFIRE - Calls $2.50
*** TURN *** [Kh 3c 7c] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [Kh 3c 7c 6d] [9c]
SOCIALFIRE - Bets $14.50
KODIAKZERO - Calls $14.50
*** SHOW DOWN ***
SOCIALFIRE - Shows [10c 4c] (Flush, ten high)
KODIAKZERO - Shows [8c Kc] (Flush, king high)
KODIAKZERO Collects $40.85 from main pot

NLHE - Classic "Min Blocking Bet" on River

He musta had ace nine or something, but my hand just kept developing

Stage #1412855382: Holdem No Limit $0.50 - 2009-05-08 19:08:02 (ET)
Table: BRICKSCAPE (Real Money) Seat #5 is the dealer
Seat 5 - JETZER12 ($34.09 in chips)
Seat 6 - WINSTON222 ($134.28 in chips)
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($78.50 in chips)
Seat 9 - RICCI269 ($42.05 in chips)
Seat 1 - SCHNELL ($141.80 in chips)
Seat 2 - WINDOW_DUDE ($23.75 in chips)
Seat 3 - CASH_W ($19.75 in chips)
Seat 4 - H8SUKOUTS ($29.40 in chips)
WINSTON222 - Posts small blind $0.25
KODIAKZERO - Posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Jc 10c]
RICCI269 - Folds
CASH_W - Folds
JETZER12 - Folds
WINSTON222 - Calls $0.25
KODIAKZERO - Raises $1.50 to $2
WINSTON222 - Calls $1.50
*** FLOP *** [8d 5c 9d]
WINSTON222 - Checks
WINSTON222 - Calls $3
*** TURN *** [8d 5c 9d] [8c]
WINSTON222 - Checks
WINSTON222 - Calls $6
*** RIVER *** [8d 5c 9d 8c] [7c]
WINSTON222 - Bets $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Raises $8 to $8
WINSTON222 - Folds
KODIAKZERO - returned ($7.50) : not called
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Does not show
KODIAKZERO Collects $21.35 from main pot

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I don't get the call on the flop here...

Stage #1411743813: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-08 01:19:06 (ET)
Table: MYNAH AVE (Real Money) Seat #2 is the dealer
Seat 2 - IAMBL_E ($217.30 in chips)
Seat 3 - LSGUY25 ($120.80 in chips)
Seat 4 - SMYC ($172.77 in chips)
Seat 5 - BLUFFTACULAR ($92 in chips)
Seat 6 - MJDBONE ($194.19 in chips)
Seat 7 - HB FLUNKY ($91.15 in chips)
Seat 9 - BMONEY2 ($149.15 in chips)
Seat 1 - KODIAKZERO ($150 in chips)
LSGUY25 - Posts small blind $0.50
SMYC - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Js Ah]
BMONEY2 - Calls $1
KODIAKZERO - Raises $4 to $5
IAMBL_E - Folds
LSGUY25 - Folds
SMYC - Folds
BMONEY2 - Calls $4
*** FLOP *** [3h Qc 10c]
BMONEY2 - Checks
BMONEY2 - Calls $7
*** TURN *** [3h Qc 10c] [3s]
BMONEY2 - Checks
*** RIVER *** [3h Qc 10c 3s] [Qs]
BMONEY2 - Checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
BMONEY2 - Shows [8s 7h] (Two Pair, queens and threes)
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Js Ah] (Two Pair, queens and threes)
KODIAKZERO Collects $24.25 from main pot

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NLHE - Short Stack Donkey Play

I should've known that I had him beat preflop after he min reraised with half the table in the hand. But to play it as bad as he did? I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Stage #1409681975: Holdem No Limit $0.50 - 2009-05-06 22:23:01 (ET)
Table: WHITEHALL ST (Real Money) Seat #2 is the dealer
Seat 2 - BIG SIZ ($14.65 in chips)
Seat 3 - CASHSYSTEM ($23 in chips)
Seat 4 - ELSAMO33 ($46.73 in chips)
Seat 5 - GARYTY ($87.75 in chips)
Seat 6 - KODIAKZERO ($94.50 in chips)
Seat 7 - FARRISAVE ($40.78 in chips)
Seat 8 - UZUZ1234 ($20.10 in chips)
Seat 9 - VETTE86 ($33.18 in chips)
Seat 1 - HOLLYWOODTEX ($107.05 in chips)
CASHSYSTEM - Posts small blind $0.25
ELSAMO33 - Posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Ac Qh]
GARYTY - Folds
KODIAKZERO - Raises $1.50 to $1.50
FARRISAVE - Calls $1.50
UZUZ1234 - Calls $1.50
VETTE86 - Folds
HOLLYWOODTEX - Calls $1.50
BIG SIZ - Calls $1.50
CASHSYSTEM - Raises $2.75 to $3
ELSAMO33 - Folds
KODIAKZERO - Calls $1.50
UZUZ1234 - Calls $1.50
HOLLYWOODTEX - Calls $1.50
BIG SIZ - Calls $1.50
*** FLOP *** [9h 5s 3c]
UZUZ1234 - Folds
BIG SIZ - Folds
*** TURN *** [9h 5s 3c] [5c]
*** RIVER *** [9h 5s 3c 5c] [Jc]
HOLLYWOODTEX - Bets $13.50
CASHSYSTEM - Folds (Fold & Show [3h Kh])
HOLLYWOODTEX - returned ($13.50) : not called
*** SHOW DOWN ***
HOLLYWOODTEX - Shows [10c 9c] (Flush, jack high)
HOLLYWOODTEX Collects $30.85 from main pot

NLHE - C-betting the flopped nut flush

I couldn't have played this hand any better. I'm lucky the board didn't pair on the river.

Stage #1409428909: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-06 20:06:12 (ET)
Table: AUSTRIA HWY (Real Money) Seat #8 is the dealer
Seat 8 - ALLBIZNIZ75 ($60.40 in chips)
Seat 1 - GRAPESMUGGLER ($95 in chips)
Seat 2 - AMB_KOSH ($98.50 in chips)
Seat 3 - MRPAIN ($113.70 in chips)
Seat 5 - KODIAKZERO ($150.75 in chips)
Seat 7 - TUFFCALLZ ($150 in chips)
GRAPESMUGGLER - Posts small blind $0.50
AMB_KOSH - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Ad 2d]
MRPAIN - Folds
KODIAKZERO - Raises $3 to $3
AMB_KOSH - Folds
*** FLOP *** [9d 8d 4d]
GRAPESMUGGLER - Raises $9 to $9
*** TURN *** [9d 8d 4d] [10c]
KODIAKZERO - All-In(Raise) $138.75 to $138.75
KODIAKZERO - returned ($55.75) : not called
*** RIVER *** [9d 8d 4d 10c] [Ac]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
GRAPESMUGGLER - Shows [4c 4s] (Three of a kind, fours)
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Ad 2d] (Flush, ace high)
KODIAKZERO Collects $187.50 from main pot

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

NLHE - Dueling Slowplays

Villain weakly bets flush draw into me, I raise with flush draw, we both check as we turn it, and then we get all our chips in. Remember the hand where I had the queen-hi vs king hi flush, and thought I was beat? For some reason I didn't feel that way here.

Stage #1408170313: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-06 01:03:29 (ET)
Table: FAIRFIELD (Real Money) Seat #6 is the dealer
Seat 6 - KODIAKZERO ($72.41 in chips)
Seat 8 - BMONEY2 ($236.32 in chips)
Seat 9 - BUCKETFACE2 ($53.30 in chips)
Seat 1 - ACENUTS ($200 in chips)
Seat 2 - DSMI1969 ($110 in chips)
Seat 3 - MUCKURSELF55 ($70 in chips)
Seat 4 - SHARKYXD ($10.90 in chips)
Seat 5 - CULINARD13 ($125.15 in chips)
BMONEY2 - Posts small blind $0.50
BUCKETFACE2 - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Jd 7d]
DSMI1969 - Folds
CULINARD13 - Calls $1
BMONEY2 - Calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [3d 10s 4d]
BMONEY2 - Checks
CULINARD13 - Bets $2
KODIAKZERO - Raises $7 to $7
BMONEY2 - Folds
CULINARD13 - Calls $5
*** TURN *** [3d 10s 4d] [9d]
CULINARD13 - Checks
*** RIVER *** [3d 10s 4d 9d] [Ks]
CULINARD13 - Bets $11
KODIAKZERO - Raises $22 to $22
CULINARD13 - Raises $73 to $84
KODIAKZERO - All-In $42.41
CULINARD13 - returned ($19.59) : not called
*** SHOW DOWN ***
CULINARD13 - Shows [8d 6d] (Flush, nine high)
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Jd 7d] (Flush, jack high)
KODIAKZERO Collects $143.32 from main pot

NLHE - Hee Haw :-(

I knew he had me beat, but I call his all-in checkraise anyways. Why? Because I think he's as bad here as I actually am. But I make it backfrom him plus a few hands later.

Stage #1408165572: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-06 01:00:14 (ET)
Table: FAIRFIELD (Real Money) Seat #3 is the dealer
Seat 3 - MUCKURSELF55 ($70 in chips)
Seat 4 - SHARKYXD ($15.40 in chips)
Seat 5 - CULINARD13 ($62.35 in chips)
Seat 6 - KODIAKZERO ($122.70 in chips)
Seat 7 - HOLA PAPI ($219.47 in chips)
Seat 8 - BMONEY2 ($229.42 in chips)
Seat 9 - BUCKETFACE2 ($57.30 in chips)
Seat 1 - ACENUTS ($200 in chips)
Seat 2 - DSMI1969 ($111 in chips)
SHARKYXD - Posts small blind $0.50
CULINARD13 - Posts big blind $1
DSMI1969 - sitout (wait for BB)
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Qs As]
KODIAKZERO - Raises $3 to $3
BMONEY2 - Folds
CULINARD13 - Raises $8 to $9
*** FLOP *** [3h Qh 9s]
CULINARD13 - Checks
CULINARD13 - All-In(Raise) $53.35 to $53.35
KODIAKZERO - Calls $47.35
*** TURN *** [3h Qh 9s] [6d]
*** RIVER *** [3h Qh 9s 6d] [10d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
CULINARD13 - Shows [Kh Kd] (One pair, kings)
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Qs As] (One pair, queens)
CULINARD13 Collects $121.70 from main pot

NLHE - Worst Call of Year Award??

So this guy flops a big hand with 56 vs Kx on 55K board. But then - runner runner quads!! So on the river there's about $50 in the pot, and quads guy bets about $170 all in on K55KK board. The guy who flopped the big set CALLS $170, with only $25 in the pot - but he's basically playing the board!

Stage #1408149690: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-06 00:49:36 (ET)
Table: AUBURN HILLS (Real Money) Seat #9 is the dealer
Seat 9 - MMS71 ($123.70 in chips)
Seat 1 - ROADRUNNER16 ($148.52 in chips)
Seat 2 - KULJME ($30.90 in chips)
Seat 3 - TOTALTILT ($52.75 in chips)
Seat 4 - DSMI1969 ($111 in chips)
Seat 5 - SKNIGHTZZ ($192.50 in chips)
Seat 6 - RIDERPRIDE39 ($105.95 in chips)
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($126.75 in chips)
Seat 8 - THOMEYORKE ($189.83 in chips)
ROADRUNNER16 - Posts small blind $0.50
KULJME - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [9s Js]
TOTALTILT - Calls $1
DSMI1969 - Folds
SKNIGHTZZ - Calls $1
MMS71 - Folds
KULJME - Checks
*** FLOP *** [Ks 5c 5h]
KULJME - Checks
THOMEYORKE - Raises $12 to $12
KULJME - Folds
SKNIGHTZZ - Calls $9
*** TURN *** [Ks 5c 5h] [Kd]
SKNIGHTZZ - Calls $10
*** RIVER *** [Ks 5c 5h Kd] [Kc]
SKNIGHTZZ - All-In $169.50
THOMEYORKE - All-In $166.83
SKNIGHTZZ - returned ($2.67) : not called
*** SHOW DOWN ***
SKNIGHTZZ - Shows [Qd Kh] (Four of a kind, kings)
SKNIGHTZZ Collects $379.66 from main pot

NLHE - Poker for Donkeys, Chapter One

Lesson 1: don't limp in on-the-button, call a 5x raise from the blind, then call down to river with flopped 2nd pair. Also, avoid names like "POKERPOWERFL".

Stage #1408111146: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-06 00:25:41 (ET)
Table: AUBURN HILLS (Real Money) Seat #5 is the dealer
Seat 5 - POKERPOWERFL ($45.30 in chips)
Seat 6 - RIDERPRIDE39 ($96.50 in chips)
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($120.50 in chips)
Seat 8 - THOMEYORKE ($181.13 in chips)
Seat 9 - MMS71 ($110.50 in chips)
Seat 1 - ROADRUNNER16 ($144.52 in chips)
Seat 2 - KULJME ($53.05 in chips)
Seat 3 - CHRISCD9 ($20.50 in chips)
Seat 4 - DSMI1969 ($109.50 in chips)
RIDERPRIDE39 - Posts small blind $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Ad Kc]
MMS71 - Folds
KULJME - Folds
CHRISCD9 - Folds
DSMI1969 - Folds
RIDERPRIDE39 - Calls $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Raises $4 to $5
*** FLOP *** [Kd Qs Jd]
*** TURN *** [Kd Qs Jd] [8s]
*** RIVER *** [Kd Qs Jd 8s] [6d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Ad Kc] (One pair, kings)
KODIAKZERO Collects $32.75 from main pot

NLHE - Crying Call

I figured he had me with the quick flop check-call and checkraise on turn, but I've seen players play much weaker flushes the same way, so I called. I'm surprised he checked the river with the king-hi flush.

Stage #1408098355: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-06 00:18:08 (ET)
Table: AUBURN HILLS (Real Money) Seat #8 is the dealer
Seat 8 - THOMEYORKE ($166.33 in chips)
Seat 9 - MMS71 ($111.50 in chips)
Seat 1 - ROADRUNNER16 ($112.92 in chips)
Seat 2 - KULJME ($52.70 in chips)
Seat 3 - CHRISCD9 ($36.50 in chips)
Seat 5 - POKERPOWERFL ($51.80 in chips)
Seat 6 - RIDERPRIDE39 ($100 in chips)
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($145.50 in chips)
MMS71 - Posts small blind $0.50
ROADRUNNER16 - Posts big blind $1
RIDERPRIDE39 - Posts $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Jd Qd]
KULJME - Folds
CHRISCD9 - Calls $1
MMS71 - Calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [2d 4d Qs]
MMS71 - Checks
CHRISCD9 - Checks
MMS71 - Folds
ROADRUNNER16 - Calls $4
CHRISCD9 - Folds
*** TURN *** [2d 4d Qs] [7d]
ROADRUNNER16 - Raises $20 to $20
KODIAKZERO - Calls $12
*** RIVER *** [2d 4d Qs 7d] [8d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ROADRUNNER16 - Shows [5d Kd] (Flush, king high)
ROADRUNNER16 Collects $50.80 from main pot

NLHE - When Screen Names Describe, Part XXX

I love when players have "420" or some such in their name, it makes it so much easier to profile them. Like a player named "Blockhead42". I took the rest of his chips a few hands later with 64 vs his K5 with 6A36K on board.

Stage #1408090935: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-06 00:13:51 (ET)
Table: AUBURN HILLS (Real Money) Seat #2 is the dealer
Seat 2 - KULJME ($21 in chips)
Seat 3 - CHRISCD9 ($41.50 in chips)
Seat 5 - POKERPOWERFL ($58.80 in chips)
Seat 6 - BLOCKHEAD42 ($40 in chips)
Seat 7 - KODIAKZERO ($109.65 in chips)
Seat 8 - THOMEYORKE ($167.83 in chips)
Seat 9 - MMS71 ($112 in chips)
Seat 1 - ROADRUNNER16 ($113.67 in chips)
CHRISCD9 - Posts small blind $0.50
POKERPOWERFL - Posts big blind $1
BLOCKHEAD42 - Posts $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [10c Ac]
BLOCKHEAD42 - Checks
MMS71 - Folds
KULJME - Folds
CHRISCD9 - Calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [Jh 3c 10h]
CHRISCD9 - Checks
BLOCKHEAD42 - Bets $1
KODIAKZERO - Raises $4 to $4
CHRISCD9 - Folds
BLOCKHEAD42 - Calls $3
*** TURN *** [Jh 3c 10h] [10s]
BLOCKHEAD42 - Bets $1
KODIAKZERO - Raises $8 to $8
BLOCKHEAD42 - Calls $7
*** RIVER *** [Jh 3c 10h 10s] [6d]
BLOCKHEAD42 - Bets $1
KODIAKZERO - Raises $9 to $9
BLOCKHEAD42 - Calls $8
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Shows [10c Ac] (Three of a kind, tens)
KODIAKZERO Collects $43.20 from main pot

NLHE - Slowplaying a big flop

I called preflop getting over 8-1 odds with small suited connectors. I immediately check bottom 2 pair on the flop, he bets pot $18 with obvious overpair, I smooth call, faking the flush draw and hoping he'll push on the turn. I guess he was scared of the possible straight, so I had to donk bet the river.

Stage #1408027875: Holdem No Limit $1 - 2009-05-05 23:38:54 (ET)
Table: JEFFREY DR (Real Money) Seat #8 is the dealer
Seat 8 - LIVEWIREDW ($63.25 in chips)
Seat 1 - JAFFA007 ($37.50 in chips)
Seat 2 - KODIAKZERO ($108.85 in chips)
Seat 3 - HARDLYEM ($106.60 in chips)
Seat 4 - MIKEDADUTCH ($164.55 in chips)
Seat 5 - PTW420 ($120.25 in chips)
Seat 6 - AMB_KOSH ($156.36 in chips)
Seat 7 - HOLA PAPI ($420.40 in chips)
JAFFA007 - Posts small blind $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [6d 4d]
HARDLYEM - Raises $3 to $3
PTW420 - Folds
AMB_KOSH - Calls $3
HOLA PAPI - Calls $3
JAFFA007 - Folds
*** FLOP *** [4c 6c 9s]
HARDLYEM - Bets $18.50
AMB_KOSH - Folds
KODIAKZERO - Calls $18.50
*** TURN *** [4c 6c 9s] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [4c 6c 9s 5s] [Js]
HARDLYEM - Calls $20
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Shows [6d 4d] (Two Pair, sixes and fours)
KODIAKZERO Collects $92 from main pot

PLO - Nuts, nuts, and more nuts

I love flopping the nuts. Especially when I turn nuts again. And then river nuts once more. And I get paid, to boot.

Stage #1407818192: Omaha Pot Limit $1 - 2009-05-05 21:51:56 (ET)
Table: DENMARK HWY (Real Money) Seat #2 is the dealer
Seat 2 - TWILO ($250.80 in chips)
Seat 4 - BIGSIGHHHHH ($193.10 in chips)
Seat 5 - KODIAKZERO ($117.65 in chips)
Seat 6 - DR FESTERPUS ($222.50 in chips)
Seat 7 - IGETMONEY651 ($98 in chips)
Seat 8 - PTW420 ($54.75 in chips)
Seat 9 - D1G1TALBUDDHA ($52.35 in chips)
Seat 1 - KOVYISKING ($125.65 in chips)
BIGSIGHHHHH - Posts small blind $0.50
KODIAKZERO - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Ac Kc 9h Js]
IGETMONEY651 - Folds
PTW420 - Folds
TWILO - Folds
BIGSIGHHHHH - Calls $0.50
*** FLOP *** [8c 10d 7h]
KOVYISKING - Raises $10 to $10
*** TURN *** [8c 10d 7h] [Qd]
KOVYISKING - Calls $14
*** RIVER *** [8c 10d 7h Qd] [As]
KOVYISKING - Calls $20
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Ac Kc 9h Js] (Straight, ten to ace)
KODIAKZERO Collects $89 from main pot

PLO - Turned Nut Str8, Flat Called Cuz of His Flush Redraw

Stage #1407764801: Omaha Pot Limit $1 - 2009-05-05 21:24:32 (ET)
Table: DENMARK HWY (Real Money) Seat #5 is the dealer
Seat 5 - KODIAKZERO ($97 in chips)
Seat 6 - SNAPURSTACK ($38 in chips)
Seat 7 - DUGER1 ($40 in chips)
Seat 8 - PTW420 ($65.75 in chips)
Seat 9 - D1G1TALBUDDHA ($56.20 in chips)
Seat 1 - KOVYISKING ($65.70 in chips)
Seat 2 - TWILO ($229.20 in chips)
Seat 3 - EATURCHIPS ($152.75 in chips)
Seat 4 - BIGSIGHHHHH ($244.65 in chips)
SNAPURSTACK - Posts small blind $0.50
DUGER1 - Posts big blind $1
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [Qs Kc 9h 7c]
PTW420 - Calls $1
D1G1TALBUDDHA - Calls $1
TWILO - Folds
SNAPURSTACK - Calls $0.50
DUGER1 - Checks
*** FLOP *** [Jc Kd Ah]
DUGER1 - Checks
PTW420 - Checks
*** TURN *** [Jc Kd Ah] [10d]
DUGER1 - Checks
PTW420 - Checks
DUGER1 - Folds
PTW420 - Calls $6
*** RIVER *** [Jc Kd Ah 10d] [7s]
PTW420 - Checks
KODIAKZERO - Raises $48 to $48
PTW420 - Folds
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Shows [Qs Kc 9h 7c] (Straight, ten to ace)
BIGSIGHHHHH - Shows [Ad 2d 4s Qc] (Straight, ten to ace)
BIGSIGHHHHH Collects $58.50 from main pot
KODIAKZERO Collects $58.50 from main pot

Monday, May 4, 2009

NLHE - Lucky flop pays off

Stage #1406316030: Holdem No Limit $0.50 - 2009-05-05 00:47:47 (ET)
Table: EL PASO (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer
Seat 4 - SUNNY-SUNNY ($19 in chips)
Seat 5 - KAPLA8 ($56.70 in chips)
Seat 6 - ZINSHOP ($69.46 in chips)
Seat 7 - HICK DEAD ($48.75 in chips)
Seat 8 - HARDKHOUR ($69.50 in chips)
Seat 9 - GIVEIT2MEYEA ($54.50 in chips)
Seat 1 - SLIMMESJORS ($136.65 in chips)
Seat 2 - EXPENSIVEWINO ($102.98 in chips)
Seat 3 - KODIAKZERO ($90.95 in chips)
KAPLA8 - Posts small blind $0.25
ZINSHOP - Posts big blind $0.50
Dealt to KODIAKZERO [8d Kh]
SLIMMESJORS - Raises $1.75 to $1.75
KODIAKZERO - Raises $4 to $4
KAPLA8 - Folds
SLIMMESJORS - Calls $2.25
*** FLOP *** [8s 2h Kc]
SLIMMESJORS - Raises $6 to $6
*** TURN *** [8s 2h Kc] [3h]
SLIMMESJORS - Bets $10.37
KODIAKZERO - Raises $25 to $25
SLIMMESJORS - Calls $14.63
*** RIVER *** [8s 2h Kc 3h] [Jc]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
KODIAKZERO - Shows [8d Kh] (Two Pair, kings and eights)
SLIMMESJORS - Shows [Kd Ah] (One pair, kings)
KODIAKZERO Collects $117.25 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total Pot($120.75) | Rake ($3) | Jackpot Rake ($0.50)
Board [8s 2h Kc 3h Jc]
Seat 1: SLIMMESJORS HI:lost with One pair, kings [Kd Ah - P:Kd,B:Kc,P:Ah,B:Jc,B:8s]
Seat 3: KODIAKZERO won Total ($117.25) HI:($117.25) with Two Pair, kings and eights [8d Kh - P:Kh,B:Kc,B:8s,P:8d,B:Jc]
Seat 4: SUNNY-SUNNY (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 5: KAPLA8 (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 6: ZINSHOP (big blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 7: HICK DEAD Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 8: HARDKHOUR Folded on the POCKET CARDS